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Guest reviews

These days, you don’t book plan vacation without checking reviews first. To make it easier, we’ve gathered the reviews we received from guests.


What others say about « Le Rêve »

We collect your reviews on the most popular platforms, including those mentioned below, and we are committed to respond consistently, with respect and humility. Indeed, your advice is valuable to help us improve each day to offer you unique moments that matter to you and your loved ones. 

Below you will find shortcuts to the reviews collected.


Why your opinion is important?

Your feedback about your experience here is very important to us, and we encourage you to post reviews on one of the available online platforms. However, a few sentences, or even a few words written online can sometimes be misinterpreted, so it’s just as important to us to get your feedback directly during your stay.

Why do we like to hear from you directly at the campsite? To be able to resolve any issue you may have, to make your stay even more enjoyable. It’s also a great way for us to better understand your needs and expectations, to learn how we can improve on our amenities or services, and of course to innovate and offer new experiences year on year.

The campsite and its services have been designed for you, and we strive to meet your expectations while staying true to the values we hold dear: respect for others, respect for nature, simplicity and friendliness.